Home > Announcement, Competition > Manweekend 2010

Manweekend 2010

NASA1 and the USAF2 have announced the weekend of
June 12-13 as the launch date of the vehicle Man Weekend 2010.
Its annual mission:
to eschew3 strange new beers; to seek out large fish and new fishing hot spots; to boldly go where many men have gone before.

This year the State of Vermont got it right and Saturday, June 12 is Free Fishing Day and the start of Bass Season.

Usually Charles does a groovy Man Weekend web site cover page but I
haven’t heard from him since he suspiciously sent videos instead of attending Man Weekend 2009. I suspect he’s been assimilated by the

So instead you get a cheesy exercise in visualization. Imagine the beer
bottle on the right cut out from the background, reduced, rotated, and
inserted into the hands of the Space Baby on the left. Then imagine
the words
Man Weekend
with beer!
inserted before and after the movie title in a graffiti font:

Click on one of the images to go to the Man Weekend web site.


1National Alcohol Swilling Administration

2U.S. Association of Fishermen

3Except at the Grow cottage, and Fred, and a
few other men.

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