ManMeal 2010: The 8000 Calorie Burger
Wrap your arteries around this:
Wrap your arteries around this:
The first batch of ManPhotos are up! Richard has submitted his ManWeekend 2009 photos and they are now assimilated into the site. Check them out here.
If anyone has ManPhotos 2009 they would like to submit, I’ll post an email address to send them to soon.
The Accu-ManWeatherâ„¢ Satellite Report is in for this weekend from our ManWeatherâ„¢ Headquarters in Delaware.
I’ve been watching the weather up in Highgate Springs and I’m pleased to report that the weather will be fucking awesome during Man Weekend.
This, in turn, means that fishing will suck…so bring extra beer.
Thanks Mike!
As some of you may already know, my wife and I are expecting our first child very soon. Because of recent developments regarding the wildly vacillating expected due date, I will be unable to attend Manweekend this year.
In preparation for this, I have created 5 proxy videos to be viewed at various intervals during Manweekend ’09. Successfully deployed at the strategic times, these videos will create a ‘virtual’ experience via the Internets simulating my attendance. I chose five popular MW scenarios and have uploaded them here. Please have them at the ready and trigger them at the appropriate times.
Thank you and have a great Manweekend.
Prepare yourselves for this year’s Manweekend 11.